Sunday, April 30, 2006

That's right...MILLIONS...of people are expected to stay at home tomorrow in order to protest the rightwing crackdown on immigration. It's supposed to be a "Day Without An Immigrant" and people aren't going to school, they aren't going to work, and they aren't going to buy anything.
The organizers of the event say it will be one of the largest days of action in this country's history. We'll see how it turns out, if it's the same size as the last wave of protests then it won't be embarassing, and if it's as big as some think then it will be truly astonishing. The state of California has already said it's ok for kids to miss school, so I'm sure they will take them up on that offer.
But...none of this will matter unless these same people register to vote and vote these crazies out of office. The only thing more dismal than Hispanic voter registration is Hispanic voter turnout. This November Hispanic voters need to show the administration that these protests aren't just a bunch of guys without jobs and kids looking for an excuse to skip school. Latinos can completely change the face of Washington in one election if they come out in record numbers on Election Day.
The good news is that Latinos know that the Republicans are the ones behind this new immigration crackdown, and they aren't buying the Repug attempts to blame the Democrats for the whole debacle. If handled correctly the Democratic Party can grab the Latino vote for a generation or two (more so then they already have). What happens tomorrow will be a good indication of what's going to happen. But it's just the beginning.

That's right...MILLIONS...of people are expected to stay at home tomorrow in order to protest the rightwing crackdown on immigration. It's supposed to be a "Day Without An Immigrant" and people aren't going to school, they aren't going to work, and they aren't going to buy anything.
The organizers of the event say it will be one of the largest days of action in this country's history. We'll see how it turns out, if it's the same size as the last wave of protests then it won't be embarassing, and if it's as big as some think then it will be truly astonishing. The state of California has already said it's ok for kids to miss school, so I'm sure they will take them up on that offer.
But...none of this will matter unless these same people register to vote and vote these crazies out of office. The only thing more dismal than Hispanic voter registration is Hispanic voter turnout. This November Hispanic voters need to show the administration that these protests aren't just a bunch of guys without jobs and kids looking for an excuse to skip school. Latinos can completely change the face of Washington in one election if they come out in record numbers on Election Day.
The good news is that Latinos know that the Republicans are the ones behind this new immigration crackdown, and they aren't buying the Repug attempts to blame the Democrats for the whole debacle. If handled correctly the Democratic Party can grab the Latino vote for a generation or two (more so then they already have). What happens tomorrow will be a good indication of what's going to happen. But it's just the beginning.